Marian Wright Edelman's Child Watch® Column:
Zero Tolerance Discipline Policies: A Failing Idea
Release Date: August 5, 2011
Many school children in America are on summer break right now, but here’s a pop quiz about discipline policies in our nation’s schools that’s just for grownups:
Would you expel a student from school for the rest of a school year for poking another student with a ballpoint pen during an exam?
Would you expel a student from school permanently because her possession of an antibiotic violated your school’s zero-tolerance drug policy?
Would you call the police, handcuff, and then expel a student who started a snowball fight on school grounds?
If you answered ‘no’ to any of these questions because they sounded too unfair to be the result of an actual policy, give yourself a failing grade. All four are real examples of zero tolerance school discipline policies in Massachusetts—and there are thousands of stories like these throughout that state and across the country. Suspended and expelled students are at greater risk of dropping out of school and dropping into the prison pipeline, and using automatic suspensions and expulsions for minor infractions often has a major negative effect on a child’s entire future.
Read the rest of Edelman's column here.
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